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Project Challenge

To help promote a fast moving company offering ongoing training services and support for dentists around the world.

Bright, vibrant, modern and fresh design was the ask. We need to make this website standout. How do we appeal to the younger, up and coming era of dentists around the world….? 

Make the site current and super cool!!

Loved getting creative with this project. :)

Hero website section from a project done for company Stribe Dentistry by Online Presence.
Desktop display of website done by Online Presence for company Stribe.
Screenshot displaying a section from a website done by Online Presence for Stribe.
Screenshot displaying a section from a website done by Online Presence for Stribe.
Screenshot displaying a section from a website done by Online Presence for Stribe.
Screenshot displaying a section from a website done by Online Presence for Stribe.
Desktop screenshot taken from a website created by Online Presence done for company Stribe.
Amazing visuals shown from a website done for Stribe done by Online Presence.
Single mobile showing screen display of a section from a website done by Onloine Presence for company Stribe.
Single tablet showing screen display of a section from a website done by Online Presence for company Stribe.